Tuesday, June 16, 2009

update 06-17-09

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates, I have been busy doing all the prep work for my first bronze sculpture, it is going to be very small, around the size of the butterfly folks, but the entire process takes so much longer, months longer, so this is intensive and time consuming. I will do a blog on the piece after she is done all about the whole process and it will be very long and informative. In the meantime I should mention that I am going to create characters on my website, the butterfly people are going to be almost like comic book heroes but more my style, each one with its own attributes and strengths and weaknesses, I will write stories about how they will change the world, one person at a time. The big difference this will make is that I will only make these characters from now on, I will take molds of their faces so that they can continue in each figure of them I make and keep a pictorial record of them. Its gonna be fun, they are each going to represent something very powerful and important to me and each will have its own page on the website talking about it, it brings so much more to the figures, it gives them an identity that they never had. More on this some other time, in the meantime I am taking my website down to work on it.

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